Exciting practical science workshops

Sphere Science has a repertoire of nineteen exciting, hands-on practical workshops – each one designed to develop pupils’ thinking and working scientifically. All four Key Stages are catered for although most of the workshops are for primary ages.
Air – investigating how things move through the air Black Gold – in teams, pupils role play the petrochemical industry Boats – discovering more about how things float, or not Buggies – designing, making and investigating a wind-powered toy Carousel – five activities themed around forces and energy Chromatography – trying out different forms of chromatography Circuits – an introduction to electricity Citrus – investigating the Vitamin C content of fruit Fire – learning about fire, translucency and colour-mixing Fizz – using the acid/carbonate reaction as an investigation Light – finding out different aspects of light Recycling – using paper to find out how to recycle Rollers – making a wind-up toy and investigating it Separating – learning several methods of separating mixtures Solar – using photovoltaic cells to learn more about electricity Space – a series of activities about earth and space Story – using a story as a trigger for several short investigations Studying substances – following instructions precisely to carry out ten ‘experiments’ Wind – designing, building and investigating a model wind turbineSince the company was founded in 2000, Sphere Science has worked with over 750,000 pupils in over 7200 schools across the United Kingdom.The three Directors (Sarah Langford, Meg Post, Martin Wesley) are all qualified teachers and have designed, organised and taught a wide variety of practical and investigative workshops. They have also designed and run a number of courses for primary pupils from school clusters who have been identified as gifted and talented for science. The company has worked with pupils in schools, students at universities, teachers on INSET and CPD courses and families at school and public events. Sphere Science recently developed an interactive science show which can be adapted to a variety of audiences and has proved very popular.More details can be found at www.spherescience.co.uk