Give your children a day they will remember for a long time, the world of the Ancient Egyptians taught by a real Egyptologist with 40 years’ experience. Who also brings the museum with him into your school Artefacts up to 5000 years old. This helps the children really connect with the past. We realise that all children need to learn and have fun too, so my whole day is laid out below for you to see.
From start time till break time Normally in the main hall:
Children experience a day of fun, learning and understanding what life was like in the ancient world, let us go on a journey of discovery starting with Geography and then with them, growing up in Ancient Egypt, we will interactively look at, Culture, Clothing, Makeup, Food, Dancing, Music, Play, Games and so much more, even sharing together an Egyptian Breakfast. The story of Ka and Meryt, ordinary famous Ancient Egyptians, the discovery of their tomb.
From After Break time till lunch in Classrooms:
In each individual classroom up to 5 classes.
Children will learn how to translate Hieroglyphics, Writing Skills, Papyrus, Inks, Scribes and the importance of the how we discovered how to unlock the code to this fantastic ancient writing.
Egyptian Maths, their numerical code and together we will solve problems and do sums together.
We learn about the religion, the Gods and Goddesses and their importance to daily life and the afterlife.
From After Lunch until home time Normally in the hall:
We cover the afterlife and mummification, what actually took place and what they believed happened to them. Lots of artefacts in this section too. We even have a mummy wrapping contest, to show the children’s team work together.
The most famous discovery in the Valley of the Kings, that of Tutankhamun, and Howard Carters story what really happened during that time. We look at the pyramids, who they were built for and how these enormous burial places were built.
WE look into the Valley of the kings, why did they move the burial site to here and the famous Pharaohs who were buried there. Pharaohs and Queens of Egypt, where it all began and ended over 3,000 years of history in one day.
To End the Day:
We have a question and answer session, PRIZE GIVING then its Hi5s with Mr. Egypt. Lots of funny and amusing stories. Lots of interaction whilst having fun and learning.