School workshops cost vary depending on the lengths of the visit and the context of the sessions. Depending on the school’s needs, the length varies between two hours to a full day. The cost ranges from £120 per hour to £800 for a full-day visit. Some may charge extra for materials. Besides, in most case, expect to pay travel expenses.
Benefits of in-house school workshops
In-house school workshops are a popular alternative to visiting external sites such as museums, theatres, zoos, outdoor pursuit centres and other extracurricular providers. The school workshops provide comfortable and cost-effective options that require a minimal amount of organisation and paperwork. Moreover, in situations such as external health threats, an in-house visit offers a safe and straightforward way to enhance curricular without leaving school premises.
When booking a school workshop, a school will benefit from specialist workshops providers’ in-depth knowledge and delivery experience. They workshops provider cover a wide range of curricular and extracurricular areas. The experiences include theatre production, writing, history, space, dance, crafts, art, creative writing, maths, science and many more.
Pupils are guaranteed to benefit from tried and tested sessions that are educational and fun. Many sessions are curriculum-linked and offer hands-on and demonstration-based activities. The learners will guaranty to get take-home and share experiences. The workshops also provide safety support. All visiting staff will hold enhanced DBS, and activities are fully insured.
For the school, the providers offer ready to use risk assessment. Aside from specialist staff, the workshop providers will also supply specialist equipment and any other necessary resources.
Booking in-house workshops save valuable teacher-time. The workshops also provide clear evidence of improved extended school provision that meet Ofsted expectations.
School workshops cost
The workshop’s cost typically varies depending on the nature of the provision and the length of the visit. In the case of a life visit, many workshops will have a minimum of two-hour visit requirements to make the visit financially viable for their business.
For example, the price for a two -hour visit from an animal handing experience is £200.
For a half a day visit (e.g. 9.00 – 12.00) from a drama workshop, your school would be looking at £185.
A full day visit from an interactive science workshop provider will cost around £450 for a full day. Most of the workshop will charge additional travel costs. These costs vary but on average should be calculated at 45 pence per mile (remember to calculate a return fare)
It is more cost-effective to book a full day visit and take advance of the in-school visitors for the whole school. A full-day visit will also more pupils engage in activity and bring individual pupil’s price to a mere £2 -£3 per person.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to the popularity of virtual workshops. These workshops tend to be much cheaper than their face-to-face option. Furthermore, schools can book them on an hourly basis. For example, one-hour astronomy school workshops cost £60 and can include more than one class. Thus, the cost per person can be as low as £0.50 – £1. Of course, certain wow-factors may be lost when choosing a virtual option. However, the overall feedback from schools about online experience is often positive.