special needs workshops

Schools carry the responsibility to provide inclusive education for all children and young people with SEND so that all learners can achieve their full potential at school. However, many SEN learners may struggle to join workshops and fun activities. In this blog, we look at three special needs friendly workshops that can create a fantastic experience for children with any additional educational needs. From space to music to drama, the workshops can help to ignite any part of a special curriculum.

space special needs workshop

Wonderdome Workshops

These shows are also very popular with individual educational provision schools as they can easily create a tailor-made content plus make the dome wheelchair friendly and special needs friendly.

Wonderdome Mobile Planetarium can be set up in just about any ample indoor space and cater for many years groups in one day. This means nobody needs to travel anywhere to enjoy the experience. Thus, booking our services makes a very cost-effective activity! All you have to do is to come along to your Hall and enjoy the experience. It is an incredible way to learn about the wonders of space due to the unique environment the dome creates.
In a typical primary stage, Wonderdome Mobile Planetarium shows they look closely at the Moon, our nearest neighbour. Moreover. Discover how important it is to live on Earth and why it appears to change shape. We also find out what it is like to live on a spaceship and enjoy the experience of being weightless!


steelpanworkshops special needs workshop

Steelpan Workshops

Steelpan workshop is a great workshop as it gets children actively involved as well as involving senses such as sound – perfect for special needs. The workshop gives the children an opportunity to experience live music, have a go, dance, learn about the history and how the steel pans are made and played. Using picture illustrations, tools, and a chance for children to ask us questions (depending on age and ability).
The workshops can be booked a half-day (am or pm) or a full school day.
The workshops have proved popular because the music allows the children to express themselves, but more importantly, it teaches them something about another musical culture and its history. Furthermore, the music allows the children to express themselves freely. Additionally, it teaches them something about another musical culture and its history.

divergent drama special needs workshops

Divergent Drama

Divergent Drama delivers drama workshops and plays. Divergents Drama’s workshops and plays support National Curriculum requirements.  They also tailor their visits content to individual schools’ needs. Teachers can share information about what the learners’ have learned and offer the opportunity to create a personalised play or reinforce their learning through drama exercises. Drama sessions and plays are a fun and effective way of learning. The workshops are delivered by fully trained actors. Roald Dahl, Creating stories, Anti-bullying, E-Safety, Volcanoes, WW2, Victorians, Sensory Sessions are just some examples of workshops. Two fully trained facilitators deliver the workshops. A school can choose to divide the whole day visit. This way different classes would benefit from personalised content without changing the price!